Saturday, 28 April 2012

Anniversary Gifts for Residents!!

Hey people! For residents for each month they will be getting a anniversary box that looks like this:

It looks like a present like a gift right? Wanna know the gifts you will receive from it? Well than there is 7 but there is 1 in each box. So if you want all the gifts i think you would need resident for 7 months or just be Zoe's  club. Here are the gifts:
Enjoy the gifts Residents!

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Need More Flow?

Hey guys kitty here! I'm just wondering do you guys need more flow? Well than heres a flow cheat:

1st: test-mode 42 (No CAPS)
2nd: cryptobiologist (No CAPS)

And than you see you say one of these:

 BTW the 1st time you use it is 5 flowthe secend day you use it you will get 8 flow than 11 flow the 3rd day! So 3 added each day if you use it! The amount you can go up to is 70 flow! OMG wow 70 flow a day so make sure you USE it everyday!!

Another way is Chatting to people and Dancing!!

Or use the flow shovel to get flow easy.!

Monday, 23 April 2012

New Gem Codes This Week!! April 23 2012 to April 30 2012

Monthly Code:


Toolbar Code:


 Facebook Code:


 Enjoy the gems! ^.^ ♥♥

Gem Shovel? Nice Idea!!

Hey People again!! Me and my friend made up a cool idea of a gem shovel!! First of all you would have to spend it in coins of course since its a gem shovel and you get gems. Also when you dig to find gems so you don't have to waste money to buy gems and do offers. It's a very good idea and this is what the gem shovel could look like:
 It's AWESOEME!!  I wish there was such thing as it but there are not but i hope you like my creation!

Comment If you think this should be in OurWorld!!

Sunday, 22 April 2012

OMG Yahoo T-shirts!!

Yahoo T-shirts!! OMG i just got them. I just got them on my noob character and wanna know how?
Than follow these steps:
1. Create an account on Yahoo or login your yahoo account right now
2. Go to the OurWorld App that is here:
3. Make a new character on
4.Look for the tops in your inventory and tada! You got your Yahoo T-shirts!

Check out these t-shirts

Enjoy your T-shirts!!!

Saturday, 21 April 2012

April Shower Outfit 2012

Hey people! Guess what is in the stores? April Showers Outfits!! Well i think the outfit looks soo cute on me as a girl but im not sure as a boy so. Here check out my Outfit from the April Showers Outfit:
            IMPORTANT:  It's Only available until April 30 2012
  Also there is Easter stuff in Our world but Easter past anyways,
  so happy Shopping for April Showers outfit! Also if you want
  the whole outfit but the April 2012 Showers box set. Also
  you can only pick the colours BLUE,RED,WHITE,YELLOW

Check it Out at: 


Friday, 20 April 2012

Mystery Mart Items (: April 20 2012

Hey People I am Kittygoesmewo 8D from and today is Friday so Mystery Mart is open!! The stuff is expensive i know but i guess OurWorld likes it at that price. Anyways here is the stuff on sale. If you wanna buy the stuff just go to Wonderland and go near the bird and than a mole will appear and press him.
Here is the list thats on Sale:
Stuffed Cheetah- 70 Gems
Techtonic Boots- 50 Gems
Stuffed Sea-Horse- 70 Gems
Fuzzy Bath-Robe - 50 Gems
Opera Gloves- 40 Gems
Giant Paint Palette- 30 Gems
Emoti-Bag-Face - 45 Gems
Stuffed Tiger- 70 Gems
Stuffed Zebra- 70 Gems

Wanna Check it Out?
Go to....